"Of Mary there is Never Enough" (St Bernard)
“I will remind you of these things,
even though you already know them,
and are established in the Truth you have.”
(2 Pt 12)
Praying for world peace
Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock was a comedy about terrorists and a beauty pageant. During the pageant each contestant was asked what is the one most important thing our society needs? The first candidate answered, “World peace of course” to great applause, and the other candidates like lemmings repeated “World Peace” so as not to lose any points. At Fatima, Mary came to bring a message of World Peace from God that was no joke. Just like the Prophets of old Mary told us about coming wars, the destruction of nations and today “The vision still has its time, presses on to fulfullment,” HB 1:12-2. But Mary also gave us a message of Hope – “Say the Rosary every day for peace”, “for God has placed peace in Mary’s hands, and men must ask for it. “ Jacinta.
But there is something greater here
While it is true that accepting or rejecting Mary’s message will have great consequences for the world and for the survival of entire nations, Fr Thomas McGlynn in “Vision of Fatima” tells us that we must be careful not to miss the central message: “Our primary responsibility is not the prevention of world wars… for what will it profit us, even if an era of peace is granted to humanity, if we have failed in the great task for which we were created… the salvation of our own immortal souls.”
“Mary is the morning star preceding the sun” St Bridget
Our lady assured Lucy at Fatima on June 13, 1917 “I will never abandon you, my child. My Immaculate heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.” The Catholic Church agrees and sees Mary as our Mother who will guide us to her son Jesus. “Mary’s help is necessary and sufficient for our salvation.” St Louis. “You are the dispenser of all Gods gifts to men.” St Alphonsus, “ Mary is my instructress” writes St Faustina, the Apostle of Divine Mercy, “She has taught me how to love God and to carry out his will in all things.” From St Catherine of Siena “Mary is the bearer of fire” who will enflame our hearts with Divine love of God and save our soul.
Let me give you further witness of Faith in Mary
1. The Runner
In Annapolis we pray the rosary on Tuesdays and Saturdays at Planned Parenthood when they perform the procedures. The mid-shipmen at the Naval academy are constantly running by in teams, but there is one young female cadet who runs by herself. I see her often as I am standing in front of the clinic, and she never fails to stop and pray. She kneels on the cement in rain, sleet, or snow, makes the sign of the cross reverently, and says her prayers to Mary with devotion. When she is finished, she gets up and continues her run without ever saying a word. Her Faith is an inspiration to me, and I look forward to seeing her.
2. An active faith
There is a ministry at St Mary’s whose love and devotion to Mary is expressed in making “Ranger Rosaries” for Soldiers out of tough parachute cord that can be and are carried into battle around the world. Over the years they have personally funded and made over 1.5 million pairs, and all Catholic mid-shipmen receive one at graduation. Recently, in accord with St Faustina’s revelations on Divine Mercy, the ministry has been expanded and the Eucharistic ministers now give them out to the sick and dying at the hospital. It increases your Faith beyond words to witness a grown man facing pain and death, holding his beads, with tears of appreciation; or the fearful woman who asked if she could take them into the operating room. I have some of these storied beads, given to me by Mari Brady, to give to the Knights in Old Forge, as she is just as fond of the North country as we are.
A simple but powerful spiritual act of mercy
An often overlooked, Spiritual act of mercy is to pray for the dead as their own prayers are no longer heard by God and they are suffering greatly. Jesus in the Divine Mercy message to St Faustina specifically told us to gather indulgences and pray for the Holy souls in purgatory, for only we the living can ease their suffering. With Mary’s help anyone, and the Knights in particular, can accomplish this powerfully and easily with great benefit. In Jesus own words as recorded by St Faustina “Today bring me the Holy Souls in Purgatory as they are very dear to me.”
Join Msgr Murphy each Tue at 7:30AM to say the Rosary in Church, attend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist.
Enroll in the Rosary confraternity - it only takes a minute, and you will have your name entered in the “Book of the Life” St Benedict and Blessed Allan De Roche.
Say three Hail Mary’s - one each for the Holy Father, the Bishop, and the souls in purgatory.
Go to confession (within ±2 weeks of saying the Rosary).
Receive a plenary indulgence (complete pardon for sins) that you can place at Mary’s feet to give to a worthy soul.
By giving the pardon to Mary, as St Louis De Montfort recommends, we will be storing our treasure in heaven where it cannot be stolen, and where Mary’s “Saint of Choice” will be praying for our souls.
“You will do well to be attentive to this, … until the “morning star” rises in your hearts.” 2 Pt 1